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BaZi Destiny Insights.pdf

The BaZi Insights program are conducted by Joey personally and is valued at $1,000.

The BaZi Insights is a standalone programme. It is a complete walk-through of real life BaZi applications, solutions and results. You’ll discover in-depth explanations and a careful dissection of these techniques. This program is the program that will give you a wider perspective of BaZi and get you practicing by seeing more of what others are facing and how they are using this.In the NEW edition, there are additional 6 Modules that will be filmed based on the GRWB 3.0 questions. As a student in the Grow Rich With BaZi™ 3.0 program, you’ll get to post questions directly to Joey and his team. Released on a monthly basis, we select the best case studies that are related to the topics and give a complete breakdown, reverse engineering and showing you the steps that have been taken or should have been taken in BaZi.

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